A surprise nest of babies from a pair of green back parent gouldians !
this is the beginning of my breeding surprise that happend
earlier this year 2011
I am sharing this with those interested as they grow and develop and colour up
some will have been parent raised and some hand raised by me
but all are from the same parent birds , their 1st nest, 2nd nest and final 3rd nest
this is a pic of the PARENT GOULDIANS that started it all !
I bred these two together originally to see if the might be split for blue
then they got busy and soon had a nest on the go , there were 5 babies
and all was on track till around day 8 of sitting on babies then mum decided
she would perch up and not sit on babies at night, noticing this I decided to
remove the babies for the night in case it was too cold as I did not want to risk them dying
After removing them from the nest and bringing them inside , I was checking them out and noticed there were three very light skin coloured babies and one had white gapes (mouth nodules) which is a possible sign of being blue, also a baby more normal coloured with white gapes and then one normal baby.. this had me rather puzzled .. how can these parents produce light coloured chicks that looked similar to yellow chicks only these had very pink skin unlike yellow chicks that have the yellowish skin... I certainly knew something was different
The parent birds were in a breeding cage alone so there was no possibility of any others being involved.
Anyway I decided to keep out the two white gape chicks and replace the others back in the nest and hope they would be ok given it was still warmish nights at the end of summer.
I would hand raise the two I kept out.
here they are just a day after taking them out
note the pink skin and white gapes
here they are a few days older now showing pin feathers and one being rather obvious is going to be a blue but the other is very light coloured and still much of a mystery to me coming from these parents
they did well with hand feeding